Thursday, March 28, 2024

Filming is done


OH, MY, GOD. We're done. Today was genuinely one of the most enjoyable and memorable experiences of my life. 

Oh, and I got this funny photo out of filming... 
Ok, but all jokes aside I think that was one of the most incredible filming experiences ever. My aunt, cousin, and uncle worked so hard to learn their lines and even had a script reading seen here. 

Everyone helping in this truly made it so much more memorable and allowed everything to get filmed
within two hours in the doctor's office. It was a pretty crazy time crunch to attempt but due to the major efficiency, we got it all done. All in all, I got around 60 shots in the doctor's office for around 30-45 second scene so I think that I definetly have an array of footage to go through when editing tomorrow. My cousin Colin who wasn't in the film was also a huge help in lighting and genuinely I dont think I could've done this without his extreme help with framing shots and lighting them correctly. It was really a whole family effort to get this done but I'm really happy it is done. Also, the office was super accommodating to us and even gave my aunt her own like "injection"? or so it appeared on camera. It was kinda funny because the normal patients had no clue what was happening so there were definetly some interesting reactions to us filming but I think all in all most people working in the office are just excited to see how it turns out. So I know the next couple of days are going to be veryyy busy in editing the entire film opening as well as filming my CCR's but I know it's all going to turn out great in the end. I will update you as soon as I begin editing and start the process of creating title graphics. 
Until next time 
- Emma 

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