Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Filming tomorrow..

 Tomorrow is the day...

    So we're filming tomorrow and I'm trying to get myself organized in what I need to do/what I've done already for this opening. Today I've been working on redesigning my room a little bit, creating props like the whiteboard for the hospital and, lastly annotating my script as a director's copy to understand the shots and sequences I need to get. My cast just got here from Denver so they're a little bit tired buttt I know that won't stop tomorrow from being a great day. 

    We set up a time with the doctor's office to go film at 2-4 tomorrow so I'm really excited about that but that also means everything needs to be ready to go. For lighting in the hospital, I'm really focusing on blues, whites, and things close to heaven to be symbolic of her passing. I already am aware I'm going to have to work with my main actress Campbell a lot to make sure she really digs deep into her emotions to play Gabby but I know that she's going to do a great job with it. Below I'm going to attach some pictures of the costumes as well as the props that will be used for production tomorrow. I'm also going to show a little sneak peek of Gabby's room. Overall I'm just really excited and just a bit sad for this process to be coming to an end. It's really been an emotional rollercoaster but I know it's all going to be great. 

Annotated Script//Prop created: 
As you can see here this is my annotated version of the script. This includes things I want to get out of the actors as well as some cinematography notes like how tight a shot should be and different angles for each line. I think this is going to help in organization when I'm filming.
The three images here are props/set designs I used in Gabby's bedroom/in the hospital. The whiteboard is for establishing Nicole's situation and the two other images are indicative of things I will need in my first scene. 

So yeah! Tomorrow is the day and I can't wait to update you on how everything comes out 
Talk to you soon 
- Emma 

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