Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Group Documentary Production Part 1..

 And so production began.. 

Of course, after research comes implementation. So when it came to this documentary the first thing we wanted to do was film some establishing shots of Cypress Bay as well as film our first interview...

Coach Ulman 

Our first interview was with Coach Ulman. Coach Ulman was the former football coach for CBHS and has been the robotics teacher here for almost 20 years. We knew that he had been here since the opening and experienced a lot of the changes in our school, especially being an elective teacher. We initially spoke to him about being interviewed, provided some of the questions we wanted to ask, and created a stronger relationship so that the interview went smoothly. So we knew that because of the topic and what we were really basing this documentary off of we wanted to interview him in his room. We set up a time and met up with him to film during one of his study hall periods and ask him numerous questions regarding Cypress Bay's Evolution. I was the person interviewing him and my partner Mahattee was behind the camera making sure all of our shots looked good. Honestly, he did a really good job answering these questions and kinda geared our piece to a more technological route (how cell phones/AI have affected the classroom). I do wish he would've talked a little bit more about how Cypress Bay has changed however I feel like that was more in the questions I asked than the way he answered the questions. After filming his interview we went around and filmed some b-roll of him teaching in class and the students. Then we were done with that first interview and got to go back and see what we had filmed :))


So we thought that a great way to implement old Cypress Bay would be to find the yearbooks and film b roll of them. Ironically however this was... very difficult to do. So we literally went on a wild goose chase around school looking for them. But uh- yeah let's see we went through the yearbook teacher, the front office, our Aice Media teachers collection, teachers who were students at the time, and luckily we found some in our library however we never came across the first copy. :(( I'm convinced it's lost forever, we did however create a heated discussion in the front office regarding the fact they don't have a copy! I digress we did find a few very old versions of the yearbook and so we took them back to class where we were able to film b roll and flip through pages to find important individuals like our two interviewees. We also managed to find our Aice Media teacher from 20 years ago which was also a fun little surprise! :) So once we were done filming the yearbooks and excess b roll we got back into the mindset of filming interviews and went to our next location.

Mrs. Hainsworth

The next person we were off to see was Mrs. Hainsworth who is an English teacher as well as a holocaust education teacher. She has been here from the beginning as well but interestingly enough she actually started in what was known as the Freshman Annex where freshmen were placed for the first few years at Cypress Bay. This was an interesting new perspective that unfortunately didn't make the final cut but all the importance of her development in this school was really interesting for us so we decided to schedule the interview. Unfortunately, Mahattee was unable to come film this interview with me so I was all alone which made it a little bit difficult but nonetheless I filmed with her and found that her interview was very well-spoken and progressive. After that Mahattee and I went back another day to film b roll of her teaching her Aice Global Perspectives class and get an inside look at her technological implementation in her classroom nowadays, a topic she discussed heavily in her interview. This was really great footage and at that point, we were done with most of the filming elements and were now ready to begin editing and final cuts of our documentary. (btw couldn't find a picture of her but you'll see her soon enough :))

Exiting, exiting work 
I have nothing else to say for now so.. 
Until Next time 
- Emma <3

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