Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Project schedule

Desired Accomplishments...

Of course, this project is definitely something I'm passionate about but let's be honest, second-semester senior year... We need a schedule to stay on track. 

If you are not already aware of this Stoneman Douglas was a school shooting that happened on February 14th, 2018. Which is in... 3 days. So to get broll of memorials and how individuals are honored I need to pick up the pace in filming and getting things ready. So literally within the first day of choosing this topic, I already contacted a girl to set up an interview. (I wasn't kidding when I said I was excited) her interview is scheduled for tomorrow the 12th. The girl I am interviewing' name is Rylan Knox. She was best friends with both Sydney Aiello and Meadow Pollack so she has really struggled with her mental health ever since. Both she and Sydney worked to get over their PTSD through yoga and unfortunately one of them got through it and one of them did not. Due to Sydeny and Rylan being such close friends I feel as though she will have very good insight on Sydenys emotions and how the shooting really affected both of them. 

I digress, let's plan the schedule for the next few weeks...

This gets me to the end of feburary.. So what you can see here is my schedule for the next three weeks. I know it looks very.... colorful but I'll explain why. As I said in my last blog, I want to focus on the feeling of survivals guilt specifically in the first documentary episode regarding to stoneman douglas. That being said I wanted to do a social media series where I feature all 17 individuals and honor them and their families by describing who they were as individuals and what their families are doing with their grief. Unfortuantely many who lose their families suffer from PTSD and as I said survivals guilt so I felt that by featuring each individual on a specific day and describing the incredible individuals they are fit within the genre and feeling of this documentary.  

After Feburary ends I'd have a total of 6 weeks left... So heres my checklist for what I need to get done in those final six weeks
1. I need to finish the posts for the 17 individuals and begin to segway the social media to focus on the Texas elementary school shooting - the next episode of my documentary
2. I need to begin the post production process and start editing my documentary
3. I need to finalize the social media & magazine article 
4. I need to write my critical reflection 

I feel like if I stay on track because a lot of the filming is happening this week (so excited I got this (ish)) I can definetly finish on time. With filming the majority of the broll this friday and even having an interview done before the week is over it's definetly plausible.

Thats all for me now 
Until next time 
- Emma <3

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