Wednesday, February 26, 2025


Next interview planning

So, as I mentioned previously, I am currently in the process of interviewing Mitch Dworet, the father of Nick and Alex Dworet. I wanted to write some questions that would help me in my process and here's what I came up with. I know just based off of my own creative style, this will of course change slightly depending on what he says, but this is for me to go off of. 

1. What is your name and affiliation within the MSD shooting?
2. Can you tell me about who your son was and what his beliefs/values are
3. What was the day of the shooting like for you? (if you're comfortable ofc)
4. What has the process of grief been like for you?
5. Why is recovery such a complex process?
6. Can you touch on survivor's guilt/prolonged grief? What does that mean to you?
7. Moving forward, how have you been able to push through this grief and honor your son rather than allow his name to be forgotten? 

So these are my main questions I want to ask. Within Broll, I had previously talked to Mitch about my opportunities there and he stated he wasn't very comfortable with us taking footage in their house so I'm going to utilize photos I can find of him online/ones that are sent to me...

Here are some I have found online that I think might work:


So as you can see here, I feel as though these pictures are a nice perspective on who Nicholas was as a person. My plan for these images is to do a slight fade and utilize a gaussian blur in the background.
I also plan on using a slight vignette to add to the aesthetics and theme of my docuseries.

Also, I want to film my interview in front of this picture in their dining area, which shows a beach. This beach was actually the one his son always dreamed of swimming in, so I feel as though it would mean a lot for Mitch to show this in the shot. Also, if we film that way there's a picture of Nicholas that he can look at during the interview.

I am really excited for this interview, which I will be filming in the upcoming weeks. I'll update you soon
Until next time
- Emma <3

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Interview #2 done

 Two interviews down... So I finished my interview with Mitch Dworet!!! Yay!! Honestly, this interview was so much more than I ever felt lik...