Friday, March 8, 2024

Set design

 Setting the Set 

Hey, I know I've touched on it a bit in the beginning but I'm beginning to choose sets as well as purchasing props for how to film. I have different scenes I need in two different locations Gabby's Bedroom as well as Nicole's hospital room. I have started coming up with aesthetics for each of these as well as certain props that are essential to utilizing mise en scene in my piece. My thought for actual sets is utilizing my brother's old bedroom to make it over into Gabby's Bedroom in possibly a comforter, pieces that attach to the scene, and more. Below you will be able to set a mood board with more aesthetics as well as my thoughts on how I will use shots in that room. I'm really excited to say I'm planning to film in a real hospital room for Nicole's death scene so that will be something that the set is primarily already the way I would like it however I do have a few plans of how to make it more personal to "Passing Bye".

Gabby's Bedroom

This is what Gabby's Bedroom aesthetic looks like. :)) I'm really loving the use of fairy lights and vines in her room and am thinking a white comforter with hints of yellow and green within the pillowcases. I think a lot of the set pieces for this room I can take from other places in my house or borrow from friends except the one main piece which is the record player. Although it isn't absolutely essential to my piece I think it does add to the piece so my plan is to attempt and thrift one/ask around for those who may have one. As I said above my brother moved out of the house a few years ago so I have an open bedroom which I plan to set up for filming. I'm excited to see how it'll look but I think that the layout of the bed being next to a window and there being a desk that can be perfectly set up for a vanity is going to work great for the aesthetic I'm going for. 
Nicole's Hospital Room 

This is what Nicole's Hospital Room aesthetic looks like. So as you can see I'm really touching into not only the realistic feel but a very cold and inhuman environment. I plan on creating a patient file with Nicole's name on it and her diagnosis to make the audience understand more context and also to bring more realness to the room but I do want it to feel cold. The main colors are going to be neutrals, whites, and blues and I plan on using very white lightning because the way the hospital is portrayed is through harsh lighting. As I said this is going to be filmed at my grandpa's medical practice where he has access to a hospital room I can film in gaining me access to a monitor and hospital bed. The props and set will not be as strenuous here as many of the things needed will already be set up. The main things I need to create for this scene are the patient file as well as maybe look into a personal blanket and photo frame of Nicole and Gabby to add that final touch. 

I'm starting to finalize these small details so I can film in the upcoming weeks, my next post will finalize the cast which is starting to come together and it's really great getting to see all the details that create this piece.
Until Next Time
- Emma

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